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Powerhouse South Asian Women in STEM – In Conversations with Dr Asha Rao and Dr Astha Singh

Powerhouse South Asian Women in STEM – In Conversations with Dr Asha Rao and Dr Astha Singh

Profile - Dr Asha Rao

3. Inclusion Has To Be More Than Tokenism

“I would suggest to be passionate. I think that is the first thing. Everything else may come later.”
That is not to say that she does not acknowledge the challenges surrounding the industry. Dr Rao is acutely aware that passion is not the only ingredient to success. “There are certain ways in which things are done, decided by white men [based on] what works for them”. Those decisions, the systemic barriers, and the challenges women of colour face in the sciences are obstacles that must be addressed by both the individual and allies.
For the individual, Dr Rao evokes the imagery of a flowing river. “Go around obstacles. Find your path. If you come to a dead-end, a river doesn’t stop. It changes course, goes elsewhere saying, ‘Oh, I can’t go there? Fine, I will go this way’, and that is what we need to do”.
Being adaptable and tenacious in the pursuit of one’s passion has enabled Asha to challenge the biases and stereotypes of the industry. She calls on allies to reflect and challenge their own biases too, which can often unconsciously construct our perception and interactions with others in a certain way.
When asked about her advice for young South Asian women seeking a career in STEM she reinforces the power of self. “It’s possible. It depends on you – you are the only person who can stop yourself. So when you stop yourself, it’s you stopping yourself. No one else can stop you.”
You can connect with Dr Rao via LinkedIn and Twitter.

Profile – Dr Astha Singh

“Australia is a melting pot of human capital and talent that encompasses a significant proportion of women of colour. There is a surfeit of initiatives for Women in STEM [to take advantage of].”
Tanaya Joshi is a science and culture writer at SAARI. She is the Impact and Communications Officer at Earthwatch Institute, a sustainability not for profit. You can connect with her via LinkedIn.
Sadaf Zafir is a science and culture writer at SAARI. She has a background in biomedical science and is an application development analyst at Accenture. You can connect with her via LinkedIn.
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